How to Hold a Backyard Campout

Today was our Sid the Science Kid Backyard Campout. Since the friends we invited over to hang out with us all have kids that are too small to do a real overnight campout, we decided to make an afternoon of it and after they left, we would sleep outside in the tent on our own.

It is now that time... the kids are in their jammies, 'Smores galore have been eaten, and we are all ready to rough it tonight. Here are the deets from our daytime campout!

First we watched the new Sid episode, "Sid's Backyard Campout", and thus inspired, we all went outside to have fun.

Here is Violet, ready to rough it in our paved backyard wilderness.

We all made Reese's 'Smores, which means we substituted Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for the chocolate, and I have to say it was FANTASTIC.

NOM NOM.....

Since we do live in the desert and this is Vegas, there may or may not have also been a dead body involved.

After the 'Smores, I passed out Nature Journals and a pencil to all the kids (I used Composition notebooks, $1 ea. at Target). Then we went on a Nature Scavenger Hunt!

First on the scavenger hunt was to look for 3 different kinds of insects and draw them in our journals.

The next task was to find different kinds of animals and draw the ones you found. The bad news: no one found a desert kangaroo. The good news: No one found a scorpion, either.

The final task on our Nature Scavenger Hunt was to observe a flower or leaf and draw it in the journal, leaving it untouched in its habitat, just as Sid tells us to do.

Here is Violet, post-'Smores, drawing in her nature journal in the tent.
The whole thing was so much fun, and the kids were totally into the scavenger hunt.

Be sure to watch tomorrow's episode at 11am on Vegas PBS and plan your own easy, fun backyard campout. I promise your kids will love it, and all it requires from you is: 1) 'Smores, 2) a Nature Scavenger Hunt, and the optional #3) a tent!

Here are the details on the new Sid episode:

Premier episode: June 20th at 11AM on Vegas PBS 10 and 710 Cox Cable 10.1
Encore broadcasts: June 24th, July 12th, July 27th and August 19th.


  1. Soooo fun! (And I can say from experience!) Loved it! Especially the journals and the s'mores. Funny you didn't mention the bats - those count as animals and they certainly were drawn in more than one nature journal tonight as I personally witnessed. Glad I didn't get swooped by a bat as I observed them.

  2. Hope you survived the night in the tent! The whole evening was wonderfully memorable and the pictures bespeak of all the fun everyone had. I think parents with small children will be inspired to explore the great outdoors with them.

  3. Teri- I forgot about the bats!

    Graciela-we survived, and Ivy's words upon awakening this morning were: "I love camping, its so wefweshing!" LOL

  4. It looks and sounds like you guys had a really good time! We used to set up the tent in the living room when my nieces would spend the night. They thought it was a blast!

    I can't wait until we go on a real camping trip with Lucy this summer. I think she will really like it!

  5. I sounds as sooo much fun! I can't wait to take them camping to the great outdoors!... (iaia)

  6. we are taking our first camping trip next month! i should have just done it in the backyard, it would have been so much easier.
    (p.s. sid is kinda creepy)

  7. Ha! NBM, you didn't even have to go anywhere.... they would have loved it all the same and you would love it for the convencience! :) Still, real camping trips are fun too...I am going to try for a real camping trip in August (yeah, when I am 7 mo. preg!)

  8. I can't wait till Alina is old enough to enjoy the great outdoors!


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