Because I Love You

I have been looking online for some free clip art depicting girls doing chores so that I could make my own chore chart. Part of starting the homeschooling next week also involves other really ambitious things like starting the girls on a set of specific chores and running our days on a schedule (ha!).

But I could not find any clip art that I liked, so I decided just to draw my own stuff and hope for the best. And because I love you all I am going to post it on here so you can download it for free. I am not done yet, I still have other chores to draw, like setting the table and things like that. If I get favorable comments (or any comments at all for that matter, since I think mostly everyone has given up on me by now because of my lack of posting) then I will also post the rest when I am done. These are all princess themed because I have 2 girls and one on the way, so why even pretend to be neutral!

Here is a princess for the task of making your bed:

And here she is picking up the toys:

If you want these as well as the rest which include cleaning your room, brushing teeth, praying (you decide if that's morning or nighttime prayers), and dusting, here they are. Just right click and save as to your desktop - you can print them on an 8.5 x 11 paper. They are each 3.5 x 3.5 inches.


  1. hey! these are really good! super cute!

  2. very cute! and AHEM, i have never given up on you, not once! if i miss a post, just hit me and i'll read it. sometimes i'm slow.
    p.s. good luck on the schedule! i do them periodically. sadly, they don't last long in this house. heathen children.

  3. Nunca dejo de ver tu blog y lo extraño cuando no escribís nada. Nomás no pongo comentarios porque google no me deja, por eso este va anónimo, como me sugeriste.
    Esto es prueba de tu talento... no necesitás clip art! Se los podes dar a colorear a las nenas. Creo que Ivy ya esta lista para que le enseñes a que haga el outline en color. Tiene ya mucha destreza.
    (ya te diste cuenta de quien soy, no?)

  4. I just happened to stumble across your blog and love your princess task pictures! In fact, I love them so much that I grabbed my pencil and created some for my little princesses! Thanks for the idea!

  5. Thank you soooooo much!!! This is exactly what I was looking for! I have two girls and another little girl on the way as well. My husband says his world is just pink now. ;)

  6. this is awesome! thank you so much! my princess obsessed daughter will love it!

  7. These are great! Thank you for sharing. I'm going to use them with my own girls - and also for a project we're doing in Sunday School.

  8. can u make some of the princess putting her clothes and dishes away and sharing?

  9. LOVE these! They are exactly what I was looking for to make a chore chart for my own girls. Thanks!

  10. So fab! They could be coloring sheets full size or reduce them then let each girl color her own then laminate and cut up as task cards let them choose what to do first or how to share the work an all done box works like a check off list and they could have a break or some preferred activity after A first next or first then board helps when they are little then 123 sequencing for later and for your Home school independent Work time You could start a business! Talent!

    1. Of course they are probably ready for college by now!

  11. I appreciate you sharing these! They've been very helpful for my daughter's chore chart. Thanks!

  12. Thank you so much, I just found what I was looking for .... :-)

  13. Thank you so much, I just found what I was looking for .... :-)

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