I Have Something to Say

Pay attention, people!! I have words. Look alive!! I wanted to tell you that I am expecting again! I don't mean I am expecting like a present of some sort. Nor am I expecting company. I mean I am expecting another baby. Another WHAT??? This puts me squarely into the "one of those people" category. I am now one of those people with enough kids to make heads turn. Well, not quite yet actually. Number 5 is still in utero for the time being. So I have about 7 months of being incognito as a fierce baby making machine. Watch out, world - we've got an undercover baby-maker at large! It's like I'm a spy or something. I have always wanted to be a spy. That's why I want to learn Russian. I feel that all proper spies should speak Russian. Unfortunately for me, all I know how to say in Russian is "What time does the train leave the station?" and I can't even write that in Russian for you because I don't know how to spell it. I'm...