DIY Children's Mass Books: Part 3

For the next part of our Mass books, let's get into the Kyrie and the Gloria. Going forward I am planning on posting a new Mass part once a week. This time around it took me a while to post again because of having some other commitments this past week.

If you're just popping in, make sure to read Part 1 and Part 2 to catch up to where we are.

The Kyrie in the Extraordinary Form is said 3 times rather than twice as in the Ordinary Form.

The recitation of the Kyrie is also known as the Penitential Rite and is an opportunity to ask the Lord for forgiveness. Here, our venial sins are cleansed from us in order to receive Holy Communion worthily.

For our Mass books, the Kyrie can be very simple because, well, it is simple!

This worksheet shows the call and response of the Kyrie. Your child can color the Cantor's part one color and their a different color, or they can color each of the three sets the same... whatever makes sense to them!

By the way, this prayer is not in Latin, actually. It is in Greek! The reasons why its in Greek and not Latin are going to be left to liturgical scholars. But I will say that I have read in several places that the repetition of three times is an invocation of the Holy Trinity. Maybe that's true, maybe not... but I sure do like the idea.

Save the image and drag it into a word or pages file to print. Here is the double sheet in landscape for multiple printings. If you have a color printer, print in color so their part is in red.

Single sheet if you only need one:

Immediately following the Kyrie, the priest intones the Gloria and the congregation sings along with the choir.

For this page, print out in color and have them cut out and paste the Latin prayer with the English translation next to it. If your child is older you can have them copy it to the page instead.  Review the prayer together including the pronunciation of the Latin.

Since this prayer is sung, print out the sheet music for the Gloria and put it in their Mass book. It's up to you if you want them to have it in regular musical notation or in Gregorian chant notation.

If your congregation uses the Gloria VIII (Missa de Angelis), here it is in both forms of notation. Otherwise find the sheet music your congregation uses and print it out for the Mass book.

I would recommend spending some time over the course of a week listening to the Gloria and practicing with with the sheet music. Here it is on YouTube for the Gloria VIII, where you can follow along line by line in chant notation. If you do want to use chant notation, its really not very hard. Just read left to right, bottom to top. In other words, if there are two notes stacked together, sing the bottom note first. A line over the note or a dot next to it means you sing it roughly twice as long as a regular note.

Up Next: The Collect and the Epistle


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