The Answer

Apart from being a pretty bad picture with Violet blinking at that moment, the truth is that this...

...was was nothing worse than a little watercolor paint! Take a closer look:

She strolled into the room nonchalantly like if she hadn't just painted her own face. Man it cracks me up when kids do stuff like this!


  1. oh thank goodness!!! :)

    she's a little watercolor cutie!

  2. Oh, she's so cute! The angle you took that first pic from, it looked like she had a nasty bruise!

  3. I'm so glad I didn't just "miss" this when I saw her Sunday. I would seriously worry about my observation skills.

    I love how nonchalant they are about things like this, too.

    And other times, they are SOOOO overdramatic! I don't get it.

  4. Shell, yeah that first pic was just flat out a terrible pic!

    Teri, your observation skills are still intact! LOL


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