Quick Take Saturday

You've heard of Quick Take Friday? Well, this is Quick Take Saturday. And it isn't going to be 7 Quick Takes. It's four. I refuse to be pigeon-holed into providing quick takes of my life only on Fridays. I am way too much of an individual to be herded into the corral like that.

So as an exercise in trying to get back to blogging regularly, I am going to give you a snapshot of my day today. Not that my day is so fascinating, but I need to get on the writer's treadmill and work off that postpartum brain pooch. So here we go.

  • Phillip is working in the garage, because he has discipline and does what is necessary regardless of how tired or lazy he might be feeling. He doesn't just sit around blogging like some people I know, who shall remain nameless. He would punch a porcupine in the back if it needed doing. This is why he is my hero.

      • Now that Christmas is officially over, the decorations and tree are coming down to make way for the treadmill. Apparently my brain is not the only part of me that has a pooch. 
      • Right now, my kids are watching Peter Pan. In Spanish. We are uber cultural like that. I even used the word "uber", and that's German. So clearly, we are also tres sophisticated.
        • This morning I woke up on the couch since Ivy got in my bed last night. She was having nightmares about bones in the floor, which were most likely brought on by a gift she got in her shoes yesterday for Epiphany. It was a mini dinosaur excavation kit where you dig plastic bones out of a manufactured block of dirt. I think I might have been more excited about excavating than the kids were. Which reveals that I am not only cultural and sophisticated, I am also a geek.


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