Let's Do This Thing

I am suddenly inspired to start blogging about my life as a mom in Las Vegas. The spark that lit this towering inferno of creative scribblings (what do you mean, 1 entry doesn't count?) is an assignment I got recently writing about kid-friendly activities for KNPR's member publication, Desert Companion. Sure, I have loved listening to Classical 89.7 since moving here in 2004, but I had no idea that I would one day be tied to KNPR in any way, shape or form.

So technically I have not even been published yet (hold your breath - the May-June issue is right around the corner!) But the whole exercise got me thinking about living in Las Vegas. There is a lot to do here for kids, although not many consider it a very child-friendly town. And I think it would be fun to post my wanderings, experiences, thoughts, and kid-friendly activities. But most of all I really wanted a place where I could beat unsuspecting readers over the head with my opinions. I love doing that.

So come back every once in a while and see what else I have posted. It may be nothing, it may be something, who knows where this thing will take me. One thing I know for sure: if you are a fellow mama in Las Vegas, you belong here.


  1. This is amazing! I'm a mother of 3 beautiful little ones (ages 8, 5 and 3 - YIKES!). We recently moved to Las Vegas (hubby got a new job) and your blog seems like it will help me and my kids with the transition. I look forward to reading your ideas and experiences.


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