Ballet Princess Fairy Magic

The girls dress up during each class as a different fairy tale theme and incorporate it into dance. Today's theme was Thumbelina. If you have a young daughter, I highly recommend Fairytales & Tutus to stimulate both their imagination and the development of their gross motor skills.
And rest assured that when you see your daughter dressed up in all sorts of adorable costumes, you will become a parental paparazzo jockeying for position at the viewing window with your camera. It's inevitable. Like manifest destiny. Or like being in the drive-thru at Starbucks and changing your mind about just walking in for your latte, only to realize 3 other cars have already pulled up behind you. Or like being a puppet attached to the strings of your daughter's merciless cuteness. Then some multi-media genius will capture the ignominious image of you knocking your head on the window and post it on their blog for all the world to see. I am not saying me, I am just saying... someone.
omg you made me lol on this one! ;)