My Halloween Mojo is Dead

My Halloween mojo is dead. And not in a cool zombie undead way. I mean dead dead. I usually love Halloween and relish in the thought of spookifying the house. Phillip and I usually try to come up with clever themed costumes, like the year we went as the Culture of Japan. I was a red paper crane, Phillip was a bonsai tree, and Ivy was a sushi roll. This was pre-Violet, otherwise she may have ended up as a high tech toilet . The Japanese love their fancy toilets, what can I say? But this year I never did get around to decorating the house, and we never came up with the themed costume idea. I basically had to think up something on the fly because I "got with it" it way too late. So we decided that Ivy would be Marie Antoinette, using this gown, which I had already made: So all I have to do it give her an updo, powder her hair white, powder her face and add a little rouge, and viola! That took care of that. But what about Violet? Hmmm.... Marie Antoinette... Let them ...