It Is a Sad Day

This morning I posted a message on Twitter:

Pls help child w/cerebral palsy get adopted! She was put in mental institution, she needs a mom! Pls Retweet!! 

I expected lots of retweets. After all, it cost nothing, it is for a good cause and it takes nothing more than a click of the button. Time invested: 1 second.

Not hard, right?

Well, as of right now, only ONE of my followers has retweeted. It is a sad day. People would rather retweet celebrity gossip, or a promo for their latest giveaway or blog entry. But not this.

This little girl, Tori, is an orphan with cerebral palsy. She lives in Eastern Europe. Because she is physically challenged, they placed her in a mental institution, where others like her are largely neglected. She needs parents so badly.

Please, if you have any sort of heart, just tweet or facebook the link. If you can, donate. If you are an angel, adopt her. 

But don't ignore her. At the very least, please send this message out:

Pls help child w/cerebral palsy get adopted! She was put in mental institution, she needs a mom! Pls Retweet!!



  1. maybe people think it's a hoax?? A ton of things like this come through emails, you know?

    Where did you hear about this?

  2. I found it through a blog I respect:

  3. I totally understand and appreciate you trying! Thank you for that! I think this sort of thing scares people--I am trying hard to strike a balance between hopeful possibility and the danger she is in. Maybe a tweet about "Do you know someone adopting? This little girl with CP needs parents....Please RT!"

    Thanks and keep praying for her and her "they will be found" parents!

  4. I would have thought it was an hoax, there are so many! There ought to be system to let people know that it was confirmed to be legit. Any ideas?


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