Wanna Laugh?

This totally cracked me up, I do not know why. It just tickled my funny bone like you would not believe.

Its a beanie. For a baby. Its called... ready? .....  a Boobie Beanie! Normally I am a bit protective of the muppets, and prefer modesty in all things. But this is a nursing thing. It falls under the "natural" category, so it does not offend my sense of modesty. Granted, I may never want to put one on my baby, but I sure can appreciate it because I am very pro-nursing, and sometimes when you are nursing you feel all exposed, kinda like this. Whew! Still laughing...!

If you love it and must have it for your nursling, you can get it here.


  1. I think that is great - very funny indeed!

  2. I might order one of those if I have another baby. Right along with my "Birth Control is for Wimps" t-shirt.

  3. HA, HA, HA!!!! And I thought that it was a beanie for the muppet! It took me a few seconds to realize that there was a baby's head underneath. Very funny!

  4. I wonder if they have them in "ethnic" colors? LOL


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