Calling all Guest Bloggers!

I am back down in L.A. to be with my family because my Abuelita is pretty much at the last of her very long life. She turned 101 yesterday, but the "celebration" consisted of sitting at her bedside and keeping watch through the long night. We think it will just be a matter of days now, if that.

Needless to say I am not much in the blogging mood, as inspiration seems quite scarce at the moment. So I thought I would put a call out to you guys and see if anyone is interested in helping me out by writing a guest blog. As a guest blogger you can answer my call in one of three ways:

1 - For you fellow Las Vegas mamas you could review a kid friendly place that you would like to share with us all (pictures are nice but not strictly necessary) and tell us why you do or do not recommend it.

2 - You could wait for your kids to do something interesting, funny or flat out crazy, and write it up so we can all share in the amazingness (is that a word?) of your kids. Pictures of the wackiness are always encouraged.

3 - You could share an activity that you do with your kids that is particularly wonderful because it requires little energy, little money, or both. Or just a creative kid activity that you enjoy.

Then you can post my link to your own blog and we can do that cool cross-guest-blogging thing that tends to increase readership across blogs. And I promise to return the guest blogging favor if you are ever interested in that.

Please e-mail me directly at andrealeal00 at if you are interested!


  1. Andrea - My prayers will be with you and your family while you're there. I'd love to guest blog and someday I know I'll get to, but unfortunately, I'm having a hard time blogging at all even on mine. Kind of a mood thing, right now...
    I'll look forward to whatever posts appear.


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